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Living world Ncert line by line questuion

"NCERT Line by Line Question: Living World Class 11. Study Class 11 Biology NCERT Chapter 1 with our detailed line by line questions, answer

 NCERT Line by Line Question: Living World Class 11. Study Class 11 Biology NCERT Chapter 1 with our detailed line by line questions, answers, and explanations. Prepare for NEET with our living world questions and NCERT solutions. Ace the living world exam!

Ncert line-by-line questions for Class 11 Biology NCERT Chapter 1 "The Living World." Designed to aid in Neet preparation, these questions provide a thorough understanding of the concepts discussed in the chapter. Covering topics such as the living world, classification of microbes, and the different categories of living organisms, this page is a valuable resource for anyone studying biology in Class 11. Whether  preparing for NEET or just want to brush up on your knowledge, this page offers a comprehensive approach to studying the living world. Use these questions to test your understanding, improve your score, and master the subject matter. Get a strong foundation in the living world with this NCERT line-by-line question resource.

"NCERT Line by Line Question: Living World Class 11. Study Class 11 Biology NCERT Chapter 1 with our detailed line by line questions, answers, and explanations. Prepare for NEET with our living world questions and NCERT solutions. Ace the living world exam!"

Ncert line by line living world designed so that we ensure all topics from ncert class 11 living world will be covered  . Around 80 questions we extracted from living world biology  ncert line by line question covering all previous year question and important topics.

1) _______ is called the Darwin of 20th century.

2) Ernst Mayr was born at ________, Germany/England. 

3) Ernst Mayr is known for

4) Increase in ______ and ______ are twin characteristics of growth. 

5) Growth and reproduction are mutually exclusive in ____

6) Living organism grow intrinsically/extrinsically.

7) Growth is a defining property of living organism. T/F 

8) Reproduction is a defining property of living organism. T/F 

9) In ______, true regeneration is seen.

10) Fragmentation is seen in ____. ________. _______. 

11) In ________, growth is synonymous with reproduction. 

12) _______, ________ don't reproduce.

13) Define Metabolism

14) An isolated metabolic reaction outside the body, performed in a test tube is non living. T/F 

15) Metabolism is a defining feature of living organisms. T/F

16) Isolated metabolic reactions are living reactions. T/F 

17) Isolated metabolic reactions are non living things. T/F 

18) Cellular organisation is a defining feature. T/F

19) Tell all the defining features of living organisms. (3)

20) Most obvious and technically complicated feature on living organism is ______ (NEET)

21) Photoperiod affects reproduction in animals.  T/F

22) Only organism which is aware of himself is _______ because it have _________ 

23) Properties of tissues are present in the constituent cells. T/F

24) Properties of tissues arise due to –

25) Number of species known and described range between _____-_____ million/billion. (NEET)

26) Agreed principles and criteria for plants are provided by ______ 

27) Animals are named by ________

28) Founder of Taxonomy is

29) Carolus Linnaeus gave ________

30) Biological names are generally in _____ and written in ______ 

31) Specific epithet starts with a small letter.       T/F

32) Classification is based on some easily observable characters.    T/F 

33) What is a taxa ?

34) "Wheat", "Human", "animal", they all are taxa.     T/F 

35) Basis of modern taxonomic studies are (5)

36) The process of classification is called ________ 

37) 4 processes which are basic to taxonomy are – 

38) Earlier classification were on the basis of ______

39) 'systema' means systematic arrangement of organism. T/F

40) Linnaeus title of publication was


41) Systematics take into account evolutionary relationships between the organisms.       T/F


42) The taxonomic groups are distinct biological entities and not merely morphological aggregates. T/F 

43) Name the taxonomic categories from highest to lowest.

44) Solanum genus include which three species? 

45) Panthera include which 3 species?

46) Potato scientific name 

47) Brinjal scientific name 

48) Makoi scientific name 

49) Felis genus include?

50) Families are characterized on the basis of _________ and _________ features of plant species. 

51) Family Solanaceae contains genera (3)

52) Family of leopard is

53) Felidae contains genus ____ and _____

54) Suffix of family is ______ in plants and ______ in animals. 

55) Suffix of order is _______ in plants.

56) Order polymoniales contains family ________ and _________ based on ______ characters. 

57) Carnivora is a order.         T/F

58) It include family _______ and _______

59) Mammalia contains order ________ and ________60) As we go lower in taxa, number of common characteristics increase.     T/F

61) Family and order of housefly?

62) Genus, family and order of wheat?

63) Family and order of humans? 

64) Family and order of mango?


65) Definition of Herbarium?

66) _______ is serve as a quick referral system in taxonomic studies. 

67) Herbarium sheet carry label providing info about 7 things. Name them. 

68) What are botanical gardens?

69) Each plant label indicate its _______ name and ______ 

70) Kew is located in _______

71) Name three famous botanical garden and where they are situated.

72) In museum, insects are preserved after _______, ________ and ________ 

73) How are larger animals preserved?

74) Museums have collection of skeleton of animals too.   T/F         (NEET)

75) Zoological parks help us to learn about animal ______ and ______ 

76) Key is used to identify plant only.    T/F

77) Keys are based on ______ generally in a pair called _______ 

78) Each statement in the key is called a ______

79) Separate taxonomic keys are not required for each taxonomic category.     T/F 

80) Keys are ________ in nature.

81) _________ contains the actual account of habitat and distribution of plants of a given area. 

82) Manuals are useful for –

83) Monographs contain

84) What is Catalogue ?

ANSWER  Living world  Ncert line by line questuion

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